
Name: Aliyev
Surname: Dayanat
Patronymic: Alasgar
Date of birth: 18.09.1982
Date of martyrdom: 24.10.2020
Rank: Ensign
“For the Fatherland” Medal“For Bravery” Medal“For the Liberation of Fuzuli” Medal“95th Anniversary of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan” Commemorative Medal“For Perfect Military Service” Medal (III st class)
Dayanat Aliyev Alasgar oglu was born on September 18, 1982 in Hajibadalli village of Agjabadi district. In 2000, he successfully completed Hajibadalli village secondary school. In 2007, he was called up for active military service.

Dayanat, who started overtime military service in 2009, successfully completed the course for tank commander in 2015. He was always distinguished from others by his perseverance, dedication and skills in training and battles, and was awarded the III degree "For impeccable service" and the Jubilee medal of the 95th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces on June 26, 2013.

He bravely fought in the April 2016 battles as well.

Before the second Karabakh war started, on September 21, Dayanat, who came home for the last time to see his beloved family, told his wife: "This maybe my last meeting with you. I entrust my children to you, and you to Allah!"

Ensign Aliyev participated in the battles for the liberation of Fuzuli during the Patriotic War. During the fierce fighting, the tank driven by an experienced soldier caught fire eas a result of an explosion of a shell fired by the enemy. Although he quickly got out of the burning tank, he returned for the two comrades who remained there. One of them was his compatriot Khazar Bayramli.

The fearless son of the Motherland could not save his comrades despite all his efforts. Unfortunately, he was seriously injured by a second shell fired by the hated enemy. Although Dayanat was taken to the central hospital of the Ministry of Defense, the doctors' efforts were unsuccessful, and he was martyred on October 23. A day later, he was laid to rest in the Alley of Martyrs in Agjabadi.

By the orders of the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, Dayanat Aliyev was posthumously awarded the medals "For the Motherland", "For Bravery" and "For the Liberation of Fuzuli".

In the village of Hajibadalli, where Dayanat Aliyev lived, a street was named after him and a spring was built in the mormory of him.
The martyr left two sons behind.