
Name: Ahmadzade
Surname: Famil
Patronymic: Agaahmad
Date of birth: 23.10.1975
Date of martyrdom: 14.10.2020
Rank: Lieutenant
“For the Fatherland” Medal“For Distinction in Battle” Medal“For the Liberation of Sugovushan” Medal
Senior lieutenant Famil Ahmadzade, a history teacher of Ismayilli school-lyceum No. 3, was martyred during the battles in the direction of Talish-Sugovushan villages of Tartar.

Famil Ahmadzade has been teaching since 1997 at the school.
On his own initiative, local history museum was established at the school.
He became a favorite of students, teachers, in short, everyone with his education, culture and talent.
Rest in peace!